The royal family has stripped the Royal Highness titles from Meghan and Harry. It should be removed from everyone
I was devastated, devastated I tell you, to learn Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will no longer be addressed as Your Royal Highness.
I hope they survive the shock of becoming normal commoners like billions all over the world. I wish them well in Canada, where commensurate with their talents Harry will likely become a night porter in a seedy hotel and Meghan will work in McDonald's.
Read more: William and Kate to visit Ireland, to take attention off Harry and Meghan
Meanwhile, Prince Andrew is still a royal highness despite grave suspicions he was involved in a young girl sex smuggling ring with predator Jeffrey Epstein.
After all, calling anyone a royal highness is completely ridiculous. An ex-minor actress and a red-headed duffer who once dressed in Nazi regalia for a party hardly deserved to be called anything else but “You Chancers”.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, the Duchess and Duke of Sussex, with their baby, Archie.
Adam and Charles Black, two royalist reporters, wrote a splendid note on how properly to addresses the royals, specifically the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (a made-up title).
Read closely, commoners, in case you should come in contact with their royal personages.
Read more: Why do Irish people care about the British 'royals'?
“A royal prince or royal duke should always be addressed in the first instance as Your Royal Highness and subsequently Sir.
"Royal princesses or royal duchesses should be called Your Royal Highness in the first instance, and Ma’am thereafter.
"A letter should be addressed: 'To His (or Her) Royal Highness the Duke (or Duchess) of Sussex.' It should start Sir or Madam, and be concluded with: 'I have the honor to be Sir (or Madam), Your Royal Highness’s most humble and obedient servant.'"

Former Irish president, Mary McAleese, and HRM Queen Elizabeth II, photographed during the monarch's visit to Ireland.
There you have it. I feel like writing a book on “How to Address the Royal Family" and suggest “Howya youse inbred welfare spongers" as my opening form of address.
Why should members of a lucky sperm club who happened to be made members of a fantasy called a royal family be backside kissed from pillar to post by commoners everywhere?
Women even curtsey to these representatives from a troglodyte era.
I am amazed at our younger generation, so ready to tackle climate change and corruption who seem to give this royal thing a pass and accept it.
Of course, royal highnesses are only the tip of the iceberg, there are people addressed as “Your Grace '', "Your Eminence" "The right honorable gentleman", and lots of silly-bugger names and titles.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton.
I love the opening of the Pledge of Allegiance:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States and to the Republic for which it stands.”
Did you get that?... Republic. George Washington understood that when they wanted to make him king.
Ireland fought for 800 years to get rid of kings and queens, which makes the fascination with the royal family by so many Irish downright dreadful.
“We serve neither King nor Kaiser," said James Connolly, the Easter Rising 1916 Irish rebel. A pity more people don’t take those words to heart.
Read more: Why many Irish have turned their backs on Conor McGregor