Wow! 2017 provided us with no shortage of turkeys! Happy Thanksgiving President Donald Trump.Flickr / Gage Skidmore

No shortage of Dumbo's this year. Alas, it seems many villages are missing their idiot, most of whom have moved to Hollywood or Washington and the trend may continue.

Turkey Number One – Charlie Rose

Charlie Rose.

Charlie Rose… and rose, and then fell and splattered on the ground like Humpty Dumpty. It proved even the smartest guys can try the stupidest tricks and get away with them for a very long time.

Turkey Number Two – Steve Mnuchin

Steve Mnuchin.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has an original dumb blonde wife, who is a former minor actress and who loves showing off her designer clothes to the huddled masses.

Steve himself is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. How else to explain using private jets, railing at ordinary citizens, and posing with currency notes to prove how idiotic you are.

Turkey Number Three, Four and Five – Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, and Harvey Weinstein

They say every man has three lives – public, private and secret. The secret lives of Louis CK, Kevin Spacey and Harvey “Hears a Hoo” Weinstein were grosser and uglier than anyone could believe.

Harvey “Hears a Hoo” Weinstein.

Judge Roy Moore liked to pick up pre-school, okay, high school girls in Alabama shopping malls when he was in his 30s... another star rising in American politics. Al Franken thought it was funny to grab a sleeping colleagues breasts and have a photo taken...the list goes on, sadly.

Turkey Number Six – Paul Ryan

House Speaker Paul Ryan.

House Speaker Paul Ryan once looked like the only adult in the room among House Republicans but has become a complete Trump lapdog, yapping away in delight every time he passes a “crush the poor, reward the rich” budget.

Hey Paulie, remember the Famine-era Irish descendants you were so happy to talk about? You've turned your back on them.

Turkey Number Seven – Kirsten Gillibrand

Kirsten Gillibrand.

The attack dogs were inevitably on the Clintons for events, which took place over  quarter of a century ago, and investigated and adjudicated at a cost of $70 million dollars then.

Surprisingly, in the vanguard was Senator Kirsten Gillibrand who owes her success in the Senate directly to the Clintons. With friends like her...

Turkey Number Eight – Donald J Trump

President of the United States Donald J Trump.

None other than our glorious “greed is good” president, Donald Trump who has defined political stupidity downward.

All foreign leaders have to do is flatter him. China gave him  a “State dinner plus, plus,” he announced triumphantly. Putin told him he didn’t interfere in the 2016 election so it must be true, he decided.

He fired Comey and brought Mueller into the role of special counsel. He badgers Al Franken about women, conveniently ignoring his “grab them by the pussy” advice. He says there are good people among the Nazis who turned up at Charlottesville. He tries to criminalize black folk and deport brown folk. He is pandering to white racists sending signals all the time that If “you're White, you're right.”

Turkey Number Nine – White women in the US

Those White American women who voted for Trump.

White American women with college degrees who voted for Trump by a margin of 53 percent to 47 per cent. Fortunately, given Virginia and New Jersey recent election results, it seems they at least realize how awful the choice they made is.

Turkey Number Ten and finally... Bill O’Reilly

Bill O’Reilly.

What did Bill O’Reilly do to his sex accuser that cost him $32 million?

That’s a lot of Thanksgiving turkeys Bill O’!

Read more: What to do when it’s a pro-Trump/anti-Trump stand-off Thanksgiving