The new baby giraffe at Dublin zoo
Dublin Zoo is celebrating the birth of a female Rothschild giraffe, which was born on June 27th.

The calf stands tall at six foot and takes after her mother Maeve with her light tan coat. This is Maeve’s second calf at Dublin Zoo as she gave birth to Arria nearly two years ago.

The giraffe calf made her first appearance in the African Savanna just three days after she was born. She joins a herd of ten giraffes of which six are pure Rothschild giraffes, including her sister Arria.

Helen Clarke-Bennet, team leader of the African Plains said, “She is a beautiful, strong and healthy calf.  She is very confident for her age as most calves would not join the herd until a week after they are born, however she is has integrated very well.  We are delighted with our new addition.”

The youngest member of the giraffe family is yet to be named and keepers are asking the public to provide suggestions for names based on her African origin. The keepers offered some tips on names they like to choose. They said, “We like names that are original, based on the animal’s country of origin and tell us something about the newborn.”

Name suggestions will be accepted can be submitted through Facebook and the in Learning & Discovery Centre at Dublin Zoo.