As summer gives way to fall routines, keep the season fresh and lively by taking advantage of the abundance of activities at the Irish Cultural Centre.

Highlights in September include the start of ICC Academy courses, the Shamrock Shake, and the Fall Irish History Lecture entitled “Easter 1916: The Heart of the Irish Revolution” presented by Professor William Matthews.

If a formal class is your preference, consider taking one of the 10 week classes in Tin Whistle, Bodhran or Irish Language through the ICC Academy. Come by the Academy Open House from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, September 14th to meet instructors, view materials and learn more about the classes.

Those interested in lively reels and other folk dances will want to try The Shamrock Shake, a monthly set dance on the third Saturday of every month. September’s dance takes place Saturday, September 15th at 7 p.m. and features the music of Erin’s Melody. All levels are welcome, no partner is necessary. There is a $10 per person charge at the door.

ICC members familiar with the appealing presentation style of Professor William Matthews, Ph.D. will be pleased to know that he is returning by popular demand to the ICC on Saturday, September 29th at 8 p.m. to deliver his lecture “Easter 1916: The Heart of the Irish Revolution.”

For over 10 years, Professor Matthews has studied documents on the War of Independence and the Rising of 1916 at both Dublin’s Military Archives and the National Library. This lecture presents the significance of the short-lived insurrection which took place at the Government Post Office in Dublin on Easter Monday in 1916 as the motivational fervor in the Irish fight for freedom as an independent Republic. There is a $10 general admission fee for non-members and a $5 admission fee for ICC members who present their membership card.

For more information about upcoming events at the Irish Cultural Centre please visit the ICCNE website at or call 781-821-8291.