The Project Children Kruise for Kids is celebrating its 20th anniversary with -- what else? A cruise around Manhattan on June 8!

The cruise features breathtaking views of the city from the water, full open bar, hot and cold dinner buffet, the finest in Irish music, and more, all for $110 per person.

This year, the musical lineup includes Celtic Cross, the Cunningham Brothers, Shay Mac Band, and Maire McVicker.

“It’s a great party on the water, like going to an Irish wedding without a bride and groom,” jokes Sean Murphy of, the site where you can purchase tickets.

You have people from all ages. Spirit of New York is one of the top-notch yachts cruising around the island, and they always put out a beautiful meal. This Project Children benefit has grown nicely over the years to become this great, upscale Irish event.

Take it from personal experience: this is the best way to kick off the summer! Tickets are on sale now at or by reserving at 212-717-9955.