Still of the Fusion Fighters featured in VS Battle

Just when I thought it was safe, they're back, the Jedi warriors of funk-infused Irish step dance, a.k.a Fusion Fighters, integrating digital technology with percussive dance.  And now they've turned on each other going head to head in a video game video.

It's the latest output from the cutting edge collective: a new YouTube video in the style of a motion sensor computer game in the mode of a "VS battle," which they released today as little teaser for their live performance style.

Fusion Fighters, a performance crew that fuses percussion based dance forms with a open-minded approach to the collaboration of music, comedy & technology is now hovering around London, where on St. Patrick’s Day in Trafalgar Square , they launched an interactive performance to over 15,000 people.

The truth can now be told and one of these super heroes can be unmasked.  Co-Creator Chris Naish has over ten years experience in Michael Flatley’s Lord of The Dance and Riverdance, and several innovative traditional dance spin-off shows.

It all began with Riverdance almost 20 years ago and Fusion Fighters  are looking to build on that vibe through a collaboration with cutting-edge technology designed to make dance styles rooted in Irish culture even more accessible to a modern and contemporary audience.

Maybe Playstation or the X Box is next for these digital dancers.

But hey, I thought Naish won fair and square.
