‘Lifebox’ holding all your vital information
Cheryl and Colleen joined us from Care Resolutions this week at Cafe Eireann to tell us about ‘LifeBox.'
‘LifeBox’ is a personal information package; it contains a description of you, your health care needs and personal wishes. This allows your health care professional to gain a greater insight into your life and needs. The aim is to inform health professionals ‘who a person is as a person’.
‘The Lifebox project is unique, because it looks not solely at the transmission of the medical facts of the patient’s record, but rather information about the essence of the person’.
‘Lifebox’ is said information within the patients’ electronic medical record dedicated to recording their wishes, values and goals. The information is there for clinicians accessing the electronic medical record at other community care giving facilities and for caregivers during future hospitalizations.
For more information on ‘Lifebox’ contact Eileen on 617.265.5300.
Saying ‘NO’ does not make you a terrible person!
Saying no is tough. Why is it that, when asked to do something we really don’t want to do or have time to do to, we usually end up saying yes? And when we do follow our gut and say no, something drops in our bellies, our heart lurches and we feel bad and selfish??
Life, of course, is full of compromises. There is no getting around doing a bunch of things on a daily basis, like cleaning, laundry, dishes and dealing with people we would rather not.
However, we shouldn’t feel compelled to always say yes to babysitting, giving people lifts and going out to things we feel ‘we should be at’.
Your time is the absolute most precious asset you possess. Time is the one thing you have a fixed and finite amount of. So every yes, to something you would rather not do, takes a little bit of that away. The key is striking a balance – you need to sometimes put yourself first and do what YOU WANT TO DO! This does not make you a bad person. This does not make you selfish. This makes you a self preservationist. This makes you clever about the allocation of your valuable time.
If our morale is low and we need some ‘me time’ for whatever reason, it IS OKAY TO SAY NO! ‘No, I’m sorry, not today’. You are the best judge of what you need. Don’t let others impose their own impressions of what a good friend, partner, father or mother is on you. You will be an even better friend, partner, mother or father if you take some time for yourself.
So follow your heart and your first instincts and not necessarily your conscience. You can always say YES tomorrow!
"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and you’re the only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you!" - Carl Sandburg.
For full article see hellogiggles.com.
See more at: http://irishemigrant.com/ie/go.asp?p=story&storyID=15845#sthash.RwAohjI8.dpuf