It is the nature of the Irish in us to both celebrate and comfort ourselves around Christmas when we reflect on those we love or admire whom we have lost in the year that has gone before us. I suppose both aspects are really part of the grieving process which has surely been torn asunder by the continuing unwelcome presence of Covid so that time like the dreaded disease knows no boundaries.
Of course, it is all the more understandable when we can relate to our own losses in our own lives, but I was struck by how moved I was when watching a new program that I mentioned last week that aired on Christmas evening focusing on the life and loss on one of traditional Irish music’s most iconic individuals.
A second viewing of Joe Burke – Ceiliúradh via the wonderful TG4 Player option online stirred emotions that didn’t surface in the Christmas night debut where the celebration of a man larger than life was more readily apparent and appreciated.
Last February as we were experiencing the first year’s presence of the pandemic, Joe Burke, the legendary Irish musician breathed his last after a long illness at home in Kilnadeema, Co. Galway at the age of 82. He was lauded around the world and in every corner of Ireland for his long career as Ireland’s most enduring and exuberant exponent of the depth of traditional Irish music via social media and in the printed remembrances of so many including in this space.
At the time, with restrictions in place, we had no choice, and a proper celebration of the man who gave so much credence to Ireland’s native music had to be postponed to a later date. And that is what this program attempted to do, knowing what a tall task it would be and only accomplishable after movements and gatherings gave freedom to the producers to put together the elements they chose to paint the picture of a most beloved figure.
The choices could have been endless and required a series of programs to fully express the magnitude and influence of the Galwegian genius. His own musical journey took us to the past, present and even the future of traditional Irish music so great was his grasp of it and the people who made the music.
Those who did appear dutifully provided knowing reflections that captured the essence of his popular demeanor and approach to the music that consumed his life and brought it to the attention of so many through his charismatic presence, respect and mastery.
We would have expected nothing less as many close friends in the music gave witness through playing music in person or via clips from various archives. As usual, the producers at Aniar TV ably assembled and recorded those tributes showing the universal and sincere regard Burke was held in.
But the most compelling aspect to me upon the second viewing was experiencing this salute through the eyes of his widow, Ann Conroy Burke, who was married to Joe for the past 30 years. Ann came from just 14 miles away in Loughrea and had the same passion for the music as Joe had, and their partnership was built upon it and ever-present in their lives together.
Director Donal O’Connor and his team must have realized that, focusing on the personal approach from her perspective with the loving assistance of her sister Mary throughout as they looked at photos or enjoyed the music played with them with the various guests in other settings which allowed us into another dimension.
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Their sensitivity and sense of loss was always balanced with the great joy and purpose that seemingly was part of Joe being as a musician, teacher, presenter or archivist. Rooting the production around Loughrea in East Galway and the rural setting of the area that was forever firmly embedded in Burke’s makeup gave added meaning to the tribute that was so tastefully presented.
There are so many wonderful vignettes woven together in Joe Burke –Ceiliúradh that is hard to single out one, but surely one stands out for me in the assemblage of four other master button accordion players playing with Conroy Burke accompanied by Brian McGrath on piano.
Jimmy McGreevy, Dermot Byrne, John Regan and Bobby Gardiner represented the whole of the accordion world as they joined in playing the “Galway National Anthem,” aka “The Bucks of Oranmore,” a lively tune most associated with Joe down through the years.
Thankfully, the year didn’t come to a close without a proper sendoff to a man who will be remembered wherever Irish musicians gather and continue to make Irish music their life.

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