YES, yes, all babies are cutie pies, but isn't Michael Flatley Junior especially adorable? The little cap, the pint-sized jeans, the kissable face . . . all he needs now is a pair of customized dancing shoes, which we're sure are on the way given his phenomenal gene pool! Big and little Michael, in addition to mommy Niamh and, especially important, grandpa Michael Flatley Senior, were in Sligo last week to launch the county's upcoming music festival. The Yeats county is where Michael Senior, who emigrated to Chicago, is originally from, and the visit marked the first time that Mr. Flatley met the newest addition to the Flatley family, who was born six months ago in Co. Cork.

Mr. Flatley marks a big milestone on the 23rd of next month when he turns 80, so the trip back to where it all started was especially meaningful. His famous son Michael was also feted by the town's mayor Jonathan McGoldrick with a civic reception.

"My father can whistle every tune in the world and he started me off by teaching me how to whistle," Michael said. There were other musicians at the launch as well, and they started an impromptu session that Michael and his flute took part in.

"It would bring a tear to the eye to see the most famous Irish American since JFK playing the flute outside the Ulster Bank in Sligo today in the company of his family," said the mayor.