In Ireland there is a close relationship between place and people. Irish people hold strong pride in their counties and local places of heritage. Counties of Ireland Jewellery respects this pride of place, and has created precious works that allow people to tap into their heritage and culture through their sense of place.
Located in the North-West of Ireland, Counties of Ireland Jewellery is a craft-based company that hand-makes high quality pieces in the shapes of the 32 Counties of Ireland.
The firm creates beautiful pieces of jewelry and other decorative wares in 925 sterling silver and stainless steel that represent home to Irish people and people of Irish descent.
The most popular pieces are 925 Sterling Silver pendants, although a range of bespoke works are available. These include customized pieces with a range of precious stones, engravings of names or drawings, framed stainless steel counties and finely finished tie-pins, cuff links, and charms. Bespoke orders include all available precious metals. All pieces are designed to create a lasting memory of a county and what that represents.
The makers spend a lot of time to create icons of high quality and the pride of craftsmanship can be sensed in every piece. They are meaningful trinkets connected with the idea of home.
Each item comes in unique packaging that is specific to the county represented, featuring licenced maps from Ordinance Survey Ireland, the official Irish mapping body. The precious metal is hallmarked by Assay House Dublin Castle, a sign of quality from the national branders.
The company has been featured on national television in Ireland, at the annual RHA Expo in Dublin, and the pieces are stocked online from the Counties of Ireland Jewellery website. The company's Facebook page gives details of upcoming offers and events.
Each product of Counties of Ireland Jewellery is finished to highest expectations and makes an ideal gift with meaningful significance to the idea of Irish heritage.