The Mater Hospital Mater Hospital Foundation

James Sullivan shares the fascinating history of the Mater Hospital in Dublin and how the compassion that was the driving force behind this story continues today through the Mater Hospital Foundation...

Will you step back in time with me for a moment? I want to share the story of Ireland’s Mater Hospital, and how it's been powered by kindness like yours right from the very start...

Put yourself in the crowd gathered on Eccles Street in Dublin, on a chilly late September morning in 1861.

It's the aftermath of the Famine...

....thousands of families fleeing hunger have been forced into tenement slums.

....the death rate in Dublin is the highest in all of Europe.

But on this Tuesday morning, hope is in the air...

Because this is the day the Mater Hospital is opened.

The Mater Hospital, Dublin

And from the very beginning — despite having so little themselves — the Mater has been powered by the extraordinary kindness of the people of Ireland...

... by your great, great grandparents and mine.

You carry within you their same deeply-held values of compassion, concern and generosity passed down through generations of caring hearts like yours.

And it's in honor of that same spirit of kindness that has kept the Mater strong for so many decades that I feel I can ask you this question –

Would you consider making a gift to the Mater Hospital Foundation in your Will?

The Mater Hospital, Dublin

Choosing the people and causes you want to remember with a special gift is a matter for your heart alone.

And, of course, your family is your first concern.

But after your loved ones are taken care of, a gift of just 1% or 2% of your estate to the Mater Hospital Foundation would see your love and compassion — the most beautiful and essential parts of yourself — live on within our centuries-old walls for hundreds of years to come.

It's hard for us to imagine now just what the opening of the Mater Hospital meant to our great, great grandparents.

You see, before the Mater, there was hardly a person in Ireland with access to healthcare... 

The Mater Hospital, Dublin

And if you were poor you had no chance. Were you or your child to get sick, your chances of survival were thin. It was as simple and brutal as that.

And it was that very injustice that Sister Catherine McAuley made it her mission to fight all those years ago. The Mater threw its doors open to all. It would be a hospital for the people. 

Our hospital. Yours and mine. And nobody suffering would be denied care, no matter what. And although the modern Mater Hospital today looks very different to how it did in 1861...

...There remains one constant.

Because it was generous, resilient, and principled people like yourself who gave what little money they had so their hospital could endure for their children and grandchildren... 

... for you and me.

And it's kindness like yours that still powers our work to this day.

Would you like to learn more about the history of Ireland’s Mater Hospital and how, with a gift in your Will, your love can live within our walls and wards for the next 100 years? 

For your FREE copy of ‘Saving Lives since 1861…’ Just complete the enquiry form on our website, and I'll pop something special in the post for you.

Sincerely yours,

James Sullivan

Supporter Care Manager, Mater Hospital Foundation

53-54 Eccles Street, Dublin 7, Ireland

P.S. For more than 160 years... through famine, plague and war, kind hearts like yours have kept the Mater Hospital caring for Ireland’s sick.

Would you like to receive the wonderful story of the Mater Hospital and the special place it holds in the history of Ireland? And how, with a gift in your Will, your love can live within our walls and wards for the next 100 years? Just complete the enquiry form on our website, and we’ll pop something special in the post for you.

For your FREE copy of “Saving Lives Since 1861…” just complete the enquiry form on our website