"Once Upon a Tram" is now available to stream for free on the Irish Film Institute's IFI Archive Player.
Take a nostalgic trip along the beautiful Dublin coast, escaping the hustle and bustle of the city while enjoying the clatter and clang of the old Howth tram.
This gentle film, directed by John Sarsfield and James Maguire and narrated by Cyril Cusack, records one of the last journeys of the Howth Tram, as it passes through the village, past the golf club, and along the coast – a most elegant form of transport from a bygone era.
The line, constructed in 1901 served Howth Head and was run by the Great Northern Railway (Ireland). It was designed to bring visitors to the seaside villages of Sutton and Howth, both located along the North Dublin coast.
The tram line was officially closed on 31 May 1959 and the route was replaced by CIE buses. Four of the trams survive today, with one on display at the National Transport Museum of Ireland right beside Howth Castle near its former terminus.
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"Once Upon a Tram" is published here with the kind permission of Maev Maguire and with thanks to the Irish Film Institute (IFI), who IrishCentral has partnered up with throughout 2022 to bring you a taste of what their remarkable collection entails. You can find all IrishCentral articles and videos from the IFI here.
To watch more historic Irish footage, visit the IFI Archive Player, the Irish Film Institute’s virtual viewing room that provides audiences around the globe free, instant access to Irish heritage preserved in the IFI Irish Film Archive. Irish Culture from the last century is reflected through documentaries, animation, adverts, amateur footage, feature films, and much more. You can also download the IFI Archive Player App for free on iPhone, Android, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Roku.
IrishCentral has partnered up with the IFI throughout 2022 to bring you a taste of what their remarkable collections entail. You can find all IrishCentral articles and videos from the IFI here.
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