Here are some interesting facts about the Irish last name Malone, including its history, family crest, coat of arms, and famous clan members.

Everything you need to know about the Irish surname Malone - its meaning, origins, interesting facts and famous people with the last name Malone.

Irish derivation: O'Maoileoin.

Name meaning: Follower of St. John.

Counties associated with the name: Offaly, Clare, and Wexford.

Coat of arms motto: "Fideis ad urnam" or Faithful to the tomb.

Read more: Where are the most Irish cities and towns in the USA ahead of St Patrick's Day?

Interesting facts:

 - The Malones are an ancient sept, associated with the O'Connors of Connacht.

 - During the sixteenth century, the Malones rose to prominence in both church and state.

Read more: Tracing your Irish ancestry - The Lynch Clan

Some famous Malones

 - Karl "The Mailman" Malone (1963-, Former NBA player)

 - Fergy Malone (1844-1905, former Baseball catcher and player-manager)

 - Anna Marie Malone (1960-, Canadian Long distance runner)

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* Originally published in 2016.