One Family and Their Dog

This snapshot of my grandparents, my uncle, and the family mutt was taken in 1950 on my mother's first and only return to County Mayo for a family event. She left in 1915 as a 16-year-old girl and went to Philadelphia, where she worked as a housemaid and nanny for a wealthy family.

My grandparents' names were Nora and John Murray of Lunginashee (Ballina) and my uncle's name was Larry. Even though I never met my grandparents, I corresponded with them all through my growing years until their death.

Their letters left me with wonderful and lasting memories of old Ireland and its history. To this day they are present in my life, and that is why I wanted to share this photo.

When I look at their picture I am reminded of the hard life they endured on their small parcel of land. Yet their faces, at least to me, portray strength and perhaps even a hint of peace.

Thank you for letting me tell their story and to express why, to this day, they still have a hold on me.

Submitted By:

Nora Wald, Westfield, NJ