Education Ireland, a new initiative of the Irish Government, is holding a series of "Study in Ireland" events in New York and Boston as part of their Fall Recruitment Week.
Increasingly more American students are choosing to study abroad in Ireland – 7,000 as of last year. Whether studying for a semester, a year, or a full degree, students are discovering the wide range of educational opportunities Ireland has to offer, from fine programs in the liberal arts to top courses in science and technology. Those who choose to study in Ireland full time can also avail of the Erasmus exchange program to gain access to colleges and universities across the European Union.
The first Study in Ireland fair will take place on the night of September 27th, from 7pm until 9pm at St. Barnabas High School in the Bronx. There, representatives from all of the major universities in Ireland, including Trinity College Dublin, Dublin City University, University College Cork, University College Dublin, University of Limerick, the National University of Ireland Maynooth and NUI Galway, will speak with prospective undergraduate and graduate students, as well as parents and college counsellors.
Additional fairs will be held at the Pearl River Library in Pearl River, NY on Wednesday the 28th, and at Boston's Boston College High School on October 21st.
