Dublin slang is a language all of its own -- and famous worldwide.
Here are some choice examples:
Bleeding – as in “She’s bleeding ugly, I’m bleeding hungry"—unnecessary word interjected every five sentences.
The Moth - The woman, the chick, the girlfriend, the significant other as in “me and the moth went to the flicks"—my significant other and I attended the movies.
I will in me bollix do it. – I won't under any circumstances do that.
Knackeragua — derogatory slang name for Tallaght a Dublin suburb
Skin and blister - The sister
Any chance of the ride? Er, would you be open to sexual intercourse?
Bleeding Culchie - Anyone not from Dublin
Floozy in the Jacuzzi - Statue of Molly Malone sculpted lying in a stream
It was animal craic. — It was great fun altogether.
I’m heading to the gaff – I’m going home
Any chance of a ride and a rasher? - A plea to stay overnight have intercourse and have breakfast made the next morning .