Dear MTN, I hate to be so blunt, but all the guys I meet on the Internet expect sex on the first date. I am recently divorced, and was married for 15 years, so I was only with one man in my life. This frightens me to death. Is this the new generation and I have to give in to be successful in meeting a man? Or is there a way I can still keep my old fashioned values and still be successful. Please answer this, I am getting all different answers from my friends, I don't know what to do. - Marge Dear Marge, You keep and be proud of those old fashioned values you have. First of all, you do not belong on the Internet. The Internet is known for men who want to fool around and have fun, and don't even know what they want. Unfortunately, there are women who do have sex with these men on the first night, because they think they have to. Guess what! They don't...In my program, I am the only Matchmaker that caters to those singles who are only marriage minded and know what they want. These men are quality men, and they wouldn't want to have sex on the first night. There thought process is, you might be their future wife, and if you have sex with them on the first night, you've probably have done that with every guy you've gone out with...The men in my program are looking for quality ladies to share the rest of their life with. In other words, you are perfect the way you are, don't ever think you need to change your high morals and values or anyone or any guy. Best of luck to you. Dear MTN, Help! My father lives with me. He is 70 years old. My Mom unfortunately passed away 5 years ago. They were married 40 years and he is still not even trying to meet someone. I think he is even depressed. Do you think you could help him? - Patricia Dear Patricia, I am very sorry that you lost your Mom. I know personally how very difficult that is...And Yes Patricia, most people already know this story, but I too had a similar situation, and I matched up my Father on only his THIRD match. He is so happy now, instead of depressed, and he has been with his girlfriend now for four years. He also lives with her. People that see him now even comment that "he has now a spring in his step." The only thing I recommend is that you come in on the interview with him, and I will take care of the rest. My age limit varies from 20-83 years old. So he will do fine! Just call for your complimentary appointment. Please continue to send in your questions to MTN to [email protected]. Maureen Tara Nelson Private Matchmaking, Inc. 1-888-31-MATCH