Robin Williams has said that while he would love to play the supervillian, the Riddler, in the upcoming “Batman” movie he has no intention of trying to out shine the late great Heath Ledger who wowed audiences with his performance as the Joker in “The Dark Knight”.
He said “I’d play The Riddler in the next Batman, although it would be hard to top Heath [Ledger] as the villain, and I’m a little hairy for tights. I’m using this article as an ad. Chris, [Nolan, Irish director] call me, I’ll do anything. I could be a great character – or some weird little man in the background in Arkham Asylum."
Irish director, Christopher Nolan, responsible for the spectacular “Dark Knight”, and Williams have worked together before on the Scandinavian thriller, “Insomnia” in 2003.
Williams admitted that he’s getting a little desperate. Though he would love to have any part in the blockbuster franchise he admits that he’s been turned down twice buy movie bosses.
"The Batman films have screwed me twice before: years ago they offered me The Joker and then gave it to Jack Nicholson, then they offered me The Riddler and gave it to Jim Carrey. I'd be like, 'OK, is this a real offer? If it is, then the answer's yes. Don't pump me again motherf**kers'."
The movie has not gone in to production but is expected for release in July 2012.