Another excellent example of local history is "The Stars of Ballymenone" by Henry Glassie, College Professor of Folklore at Indiana University and the author of previous books such as "Passing the Time in Ballymenone," "Turkish Traditional Art Today," "The Potter's Art" and "Vernacular Architecture." This time around, Glassie investigates the farming community of Ballymenone, in County Fermanagh, and how the local people endured during the hardest days of The Troubles. This is journalism-meets-sociology and Glassie comes up with some fascinating stuff. He put a decade of work into this project, focusing on the stories and songs of Ballymenone. As Glassie provides important historical context, the voices of locals such as Hugh Nolan Michael Boyle, Peter Flanagan, Ellen Cutler and others leap off the page with local color. While Glassie's skills as a recorder are excellent, "The Stars of Ballymenone" also includes a CD recording so you can actually listen to the tunes and words from the "stars" of Glassie's book. ($35 / 480 pages / Indiana University Press)