Creative Scotland's award-winning filmmaker Sue Bourne stepped out of the world as she knew it when she decided to pitch creating a documentary of the World Irish Dancing Championships. Her first obstacle was presenting to 100 members of An Comisiun le Rinci Gaelacha in Dublin, whose protective hold on competitive Irish dancing world-wide is a well-known deterrent to all publicity. Bourne was delighted to get full permission to produce the film and set about on a two- year journey to study, select and then chronicle the journeys of 8 solo competitors from New York, Northern Ireland, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom and a team from Moscow to the World Irish Dancing Championships in Glasgow, Scotland in 2010.

Bourne, whose award-winning works include "Mum and Me" which won the Best Documentary Award at the Celtic Media Film Festival and "My Street" which won the Best Documentary at Broadcast Awards, is used to delving deep inside human nature and knocking on doors to get answers to questions nobody else is asking. It's no surprise then that her success is based on trust and an ability to distance herself professionally, resulting in creations that move, inspire and make us think.

In Jig!, the audience meets dancers who are already qualified to compete at Worlds, the effective 'Olympics' of Irish dancing, and we watch them train, grow and ultimately experience their own definition of success or defeat. With great camera shots that slow down the action (remember these dancers train all year for what amounts to six minutes on stage), it is easy to follow and thrilling to watch. Whether you are familiar with Irish dance or not, be prepared to be moved and inspired by the courage, commitment and determination of these athletes and their families and teachers.

Jig! opens in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Toronto this weekend! Get your tickets or put in your request for a showing in a city near you at now!

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